
Saturday, November 6, 2010

Halloween Weekend, 2010

Friday was a success!!
While running around attempting to find the last bits and pieces of my halloween costume, I found my ID!! My costume went over well at work, my coworkers were duly impressed with my makeup skills, and I didn't frighten any children (awwh =[ )

I got to Lyve plenty early to hang out and chat with everyone. I did my rounds, got my hugs, and scoped out the awesome costumes. There were some really RAD costumes. I got a fair bit of attention, too. I looked pretty cute, if I dare say so myself. I'm actually in some pictures!
Five Years Further played a great set, with some guest appearances from various costumed members of other bandso n the bill. It was pretty sweet and they had the crowd going pretty damn well!!

After Lyve, I scooted over to the Pawn Shop. Due to having found my ID, Pete did not need to sneak me in. However, when I got upstairs he was loitering by the door and was disappointed that he didn't have too. So he challenged me to a race to the back door. I beat him by a longshot! I got in without cover and he lied to a bouncer and said I was selling merch for the band. Teehee!
I ran around and visited with everyone, spotted even more spectacular costumes. Audio/Rocketry played a stellar set and got everyone pumped for The Weekend Kids.
By the time TWK got on stage everybody was drunk and going crazyy!
There was some pretty intense moshing, and somehow I wound up with a giant rattle that I was smashing against the stage in lieu of clapping along..
I love a good mosh, I just wish people would pay a little bit more attention to people with big fancy cameras.

Tonight I went too see Ides of Ruin at Brixx. They were fantastic, and Aaron fell over onto an amp halfway through the set in a pricelessly gracefull way. But unfortunately mother found and took my camera again. I can't handle this.
This is seriously driving me nuts.
But I'll get it back.. And hide it better next time I guess..

This girl was dressed as an owl!

Impromptu bathroom photoshoots? Hell yes.

Lex had a sweet mask.

Five Years Further at Lyve On Whyte

Colton Taylor the firefighter

Geting the crowd gooing, goooing goooooing.

Thomas the Trai..umm, Chris DaSilva.

Cam changed onstage. I literally blinked and he was a woman. The other guy was a new mother. He didn't have his baby strapped to his leg at this point though.


Chris and Cassy lookin real cute

The Red Queens and a kitty cat.

I think Halloween is a great time for photoshoots with strangers.

The Red Queen and Pocahontas.

Army men!

I love this one. It's sassy.

These girls were so great!

Lex and Amy, supeeer cute couple.

3/4 of Five Years Further

Five Years Further + 1


This is Pete Nguyen of The Weekend Kids sneaking me in the back door of the Pawn Shop. LOL.

Sean Hamilton, Bartender extroardinare.

Kevin Klempp and Joe Vickers of Audio/Rocketry

Paddy of Audio/Rocketry's stomp pad.

Audio/Rocketry.. And The Weekend Kids.. and Laine of Fire Next Time! Laine is ALWAYS on stage..

Audio/Rocketry and various members of other Edmonton bands..

Pete, Laine, Kris the Chicken Nugget and Matt Murphy

Seriously. ALways onstage.

Joe Vickers, everybody.

This is friendship.

I never noticed how hilarious Joe is onstage before.

Philam showing off his sick dance moves!!

And another impromptu bar bathroom photoshoot..

Andrew, Pete and Daminh of The Weekend Kids!

Philam of the Weekend Kids!

Andrew of TWK

Aweeesome shot of Philam

Joe was dacing with someone.. I can't recall whom though.



Kris hopped on stage and joined the shenanigans after ditching his nugget costume.

And just a touch of narcissism here. Here are a few of my favorite photos I made an appearance in from the evening!

Chris is a sweetheart!

 Lex and I showing off our guns.

 Colton the badass firefighter.

Nixie and Five Years Further!

And again with the bathroom photoshoot..

 I thought Kris' nugget costume was great.

PEETEEEY!.. And part of Casey's face. She was Arthur the Aardvark. 

Their makeup looked fantastic!

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